PODCAST- Kathleen L. Maher: Award Winning Author. Historian. Sister. In that order.

The Abolitionist's DaughterI have openly bragged on this very blog before, about being only 2 degrees separated from Kevin Bacon.  Feel free to go into the archives and read all about it.

But today, my Misfit Friends, we have surpassed the 2 Degrees, and have entered the Next Level of Braggadocious Rights – that being my status of merely ONE DEGREE of SEPARATION from greatness… that greatness being my very special guest on the Isle, my very own sister (sorry Kathy, no denying it now!) – Kathleen L. Maher.

Now, mind you, while I’m all about being supportive of family and whatnot, I am also quite attuned to my inner harsh critic.  Fortunately, in this case, the yin and yang of my duality weaves together in beautiful harmonious fashion, and the long and the short of it is this:  the girl can WRITE.

Me?  I’m a hack.  But I recognize talent when I see it… and you will, too.  After all, she won a Major Award (not to be confused with the Leg Lamp from the Christmas Story) – so don’t take my word for it.

leg lamp
Not this Major Award

Plus… the story behind the story (that is, her journey as an author) is just as compelling as, well, the story.  And you WILL be encouraged.  G’head, have a listen:

Here’s the trailer:

Oh yeah, and you can BUY HER BOOKS here!


Now… here’s the dealio (yes, I just said dealio- deal with it)…  Subscribe to this here blog if you haven’t already, AND share this podcast, and I will enter you to win your very own copy of this book… AND… as a bonus, I’ll be giving away Kathy’s OTHER novella, Brick by Brick, featured in the Victorian Christmas Brides Collection, coming out in September!

That’s TWO (count’em, TWO) chances to win!


*AFTERTHOUGHT DISCLAIMER:  If you end up winning, and you are outside of the continental U.S., unfortunately a hard copy won’t be possible (sorry), BUT… I’ll do my level best to set you up with a kindle copy, if at all possible!

44 thoughts on “PODCAST- Kathleen L. Maher: Award Winning Author. Historian. Sister. In that order.

  1. WONDERFUL podcast. I’m excited for Kathy and her new “twins”. It’s been a long time coming and hard earned. God Bless you on your continued writing and publications. Very interesting podcast and good history lesson as well. I just visit Elmira someday soon. Sounds like a lot of history there, and I Love US history.
    I subscribed to your Misfits newsletters and am sharing the podcast for an entry in your generous giveaway. Thank you 😊

    Leann Lynn

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I tried to share the actual podcast, but it wouldn’t work. I shared the podcast from Kathleen’s original post, if that’s okay. Thanks. Leann Lynn

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you for your fun post, Nancy, and for sharing Kathleen’s journey as an author and her story behind her story! I have just recently gotten to know her as an author, following her and chatting with her. She is a real gem! I actually just recently won her book, The Abolitionist’s Daughter, through another giveaway (Woo Hoo!!!), but would love to be entered for a chance to win her story in The Victorian Christmas Brides Collection! I just subscribed to your blog, and shared this post and podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest. Links to these posts are below. Thanks so much! ~Alison Boss

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/aligirl777/status/1034237021492076544
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alison.g.boss/posts/10212815806889614
    Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/505177283198001132/

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I loved your interview on this podcast Nancy! Kathleen’s grasp of history is akin to the “men of Isachar, who understood the times and the seasons”. I am so proud of you both! Historical fiction is my favorite genre and Kathleen’s book, The Abolitionists Daughter is a very compelling read.
    I am a follower of yours already and am sharing this excellent interview!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What a wonderful interview. Historical fiction is my go to genre to read. I am now a blog follower and have shared your podcast. Thank you and I look forward to spending more time on your blog.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Deanne, you’re going to love her interviews here. She really digs in and gets to the meat of the message with her guests. Better than Oprah! LOL

      Thanks for coming by and listening! Good luck in the drawings.


  5. This book sounds so interesting! I’m now a follower and shared this on Facebook and twitter. I’m also adding The Abolitionist’s Daughter and The Victorian Christmas Brides Collection to my wish list.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed hearing about the book, and honored to have you as a follower, Karen! Thanks for the share, too… stay tuned for the drawing in a few short weeks! 😀


    1. Thanks, Joey! You should be able to find it towards the bottom of the screen… If you’re on mobile site, you’ll see a “follow” box, and if on desktop, look on bottom right menu section :^)

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Wow! I don’t listen to many podcasts but I really enjoyed it. I also thought it addressed very well what is going on in our culture today. It seems some things never change, they just morph into a different issue that has roots in the original problem. I signed up for Misfits and shared the podcast with a friend via e-mail.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Perrianne! Isn’t it astonishing how many parallels there are between now and then?

      Thanks for sharing. Good luck in the contest


    2. Thanks so much, Perrianne. So glad you stopped by, and grateful for your follow! Yes, Kathy is tremendously insightful, and that’s what I love about her writing- it is beautiful, in and of itself, with her ability to paint both epic landscapes and intricate/intimate details, and at the same time, she makes you think deeply. Not many writers can accomplish that!


    3. Dear Perriane,

      Congratulations! You were chosen as one of the WINNERS in my drawing for the coveted prize of a Kathleen L. Maher book, specifically, “The Victorian Christmas Bride’s Collection” – I know you will love it!

      So, now, we just need to figure out how to send it to you.
      Would you prefer the paperback, or kindle edition?
      If paperback, I’ll just need your address, and I will have it sent to you directly via Amazon.
      If kindle, I can send a link to your email.
      Just let me know.

      Thanks again so much for following and sharing, and ENJOY this wonderful book!

      Awkwardly yours,


    1. Congratulations, Caryl! You were chosen as one of the WINNERS in my drawing for the coveted prize of a Kathleen L. Maher book, specifically, “The Abolitionist’s Daughter” – I know you will love it!

      So, now, we just need to figure out how to send it to you.
      Would you prefer the paperback, or kindle edition?
      If paperback, I’ll just need your address, and I will have it sent to you directly via Amazon.
      If kindle, I can send a link to your email.
      Just let me know.
      You can go to the “Contact” section to privately send me your information

      Thanks again so much for following and sharing, and ENJOY this wonderful book!

      Awkwardly yours,


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